



2024-07-21 21:33:54 来源:网络


counting insects 怎么读? 快速点哦.急用.??
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Is she counting insects ?的意思??
45.Is she counting insects? 她正在数昆虫吗? 46.No, she isn’t. 不*🧐-🦡,她不是⛳——|🦆🐑。六年级上册四会句子1🎍🐭_🙀、How do you go to school? 你怎样去上学? Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike. 我通常走路去上学🧵||😄,有时我骑车去上学🐵——*⛅️。2😽🤤——_🐀、How can I get to Zhongshan Park? 我怎样说完了🤡_——🥌。
counting the insects??
正确答案为💮|——🙂🤡:1 Students are counting the insects.学生们在数昆虫2 They are playing chess together.他们在一起下棋.
你好🐹|-😆!前面是do助动词🌴🌵——😭,后面应该是动词原形或者后面是ing形式🥌|**,那么前面应该是系动词be 所以改成🤠|🦙:Do lily count insects?或者Is Lily counting insects?
Is she counting insects? No, she isn’t. Book 71) How do you go to school, Sarah? Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike.2) How can I get to Zhongshan Park? You can go by the No.15 bus.3) Where is the cinema, please? It’s next to the hospital.4) 到此结束了?😌——🐏。
taking pictures(照相) watching insects(观察昆虫) picking up leaves(采摘树叶) doing an experiment(做实验) catching butterfly(捉蝴蝶) honey(蜂蜜) counting insects(数昆虫) collecting leaves(收集树叶) writing a report(写报告) playing chess(下棋) having a picnic(举行野餐)by (经😾🦏_🐁,乘) foot(脚) 好了吧🏈|——🧩!
...chess (改为一般疑问句) I'm counting insects (对划线部分提问)划 ...
答案💀🐏——-♥🐷:Can he play chess?I'm counting insects (对划线部分提问)划线🎁——-🕊🦔:counting insects 答案🦡_|🦖😩;What are you doing ?They often have a picnic (改为现在进行时)答案🐿_🦀;They are having a picnic.Are they eating the bread ?(改为陈述句)答案🧩|_😥🌜;They are eating the bread .what are they 到此结束了?😥——-🐱。
否定句💫🍂|🐳:She isn't counting insects .一般疑问句🐱🤕-_🦓🦉:Is she counting insects ?肯定回答🏓|🌸:Yes,she is .否定回答😌😑_🎃🦖:No,she isn't .